9 at-home date night ideas – Dating Your Spouse Series
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Who says that a date has to be fancy? Or who says that it can’t be fancy on a dime, or a whim, or even at home? We’ve had some great dates right here in our house. Where we’ve sat back and relaxed like it was no one else’s business.
I’ll be the first to admit, most of our “date nights” are at home. Because going out often adds up- and if you’re anything like us, you’re on a strict budget. And quite frankly, I don’t see a thing wrong with it. It’s also not so fun dragging kids along everywhere either.
There’s just something romantic and intimate about being at home and pushing aside everything that you’re “supposed” to be doing to spend quality time with your spouse. When you forget about all the duties and just let your house be a home, you can create some really great memories.
9 At-Home Date Night Ideas
(Put the kids to bed early, stay up late, let the kids join in- whatever it takes. Just be sure to set the devices aside and enjoy quality time!)
1. Cook supper together
Put the kids to bed early and have a late supper together. Cook all night if you have to. Help each other, enjoy each others company. Cook something new, unique, special, fancy. Be sure to sit down and eat together, the two of you. Just be sure you’re BOTH contributing to cleaning up after, because if not it’s just another chore.
2. Play a game together
This is one of my favorites because you can choose to do it with or without the kids. Plan a game night, play cards, Monopoly, Scrabble… let the kids jump in and play something like Twister, Chutes and Ladders. Put stakes on the game, whoever loses does dishes for the week. or mows the lawn. Whatever floats your boat.
Rummikub — The Original Rummy Tile GameApples to Apples Party Box
Farkle Dice Cup
3. Outdoor movie.
I know outdoor movies aren’t a thing anymore, but you can create your own! It’s romantic, intimate, and something new! You don’t have to have a big screen, just take a laptop or a t.v. outdoors. Build a fire, snuggle up and enjoy a movie together!
4. Theme out your night
Greek or Italian- Pinterest a cool new recipe, enjoy a movie like “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” or “Under the Tuscan Sun“. If you’re into animated, include the kids! Make fun foods that appeal to them, and then watch a cute movie like “Despicable Me”
5. Do a craft together
Your man probably won’t be into paper mache’, but maybe some kind of woodworking or carving, or painting? It’ll be fun to create something lasting together, and funny to see each other totally fail at it too. If you’re the competitive kind, you’ll want to do your best and then have someone judge them later!
6. Camp out in the backyard
This could be fun for the two of you, or with the kiddos. Build a fire, roast marshmallows, tinkle outside, sleep under the stars. Forget about the time, or the electricity and technology and just enjoy the great outdoors! Just don’t forget the bug spray.
7. Book Club
We don’t read too much, we really don’t have time for it. But one book we always have time for is the Bible. Sit and read together and then discuss, what better time than digging into God’s word? Maybe challenge each other to read a great devotion or do something like The Love Dare.
8. Challenge each other to a cook-off
Pick a main dish, side, and dessert for you both to cook. Cook small portions and taste test each one. Whoever loses, does dishes. Whoever wins, gets the satisfaction.
9. Star Gazing
Get out a blanket, whip up some coffee or homemade hot chocolate, and then snuggle under the stars. See how many constellations you can find, look up random star facts. Be geeks, be silly, be together.
5 Reasons Why You Should Date Your Spouse
Dating Your Spouse When You Have Young Kids
Dating Your Spouse on a Budget
Do you have any at-home date night ideas that you would add to our list?