5 Reasons Why You Should Date Your Spouse- Dating Your Spouse Series
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Valentine’s Day seems like it’s the only time that some couples are able to get out and spend time together. But why should dating your spouse just be a holiday thing? Why can’t you date your spouse on the regular?
But wait, what if I can’t? What if I don’t have time? What if I don’t have the budget? Why should I even “date” my spouse, we’re already married?
We’ve got all of those answers for you right here. Dating is so much more than just courting or preparing for marriage, but it’s a part of cultivating a great relationship.
Dating is simply spending time together on a more personal level, you need to do this consistently and successfully.
Why Date Your Spouse?
Your spouse is one of the most incredible people you will ever meet. They are your best friend, your confidant, and your biggest cheerleader.
The years go by quickly, with countless things competing for our attention every day – assignments that need to be turned in, bills that need to be paid, emails from work that can’t wait until tomorrow.
But in your heart, you know the most important thing in the world is to love and care for this person who stands beside you through it all.
However, things can get so busy that it becomes easy to forget how special they are. So if this sounds like you or your spouse, why not set aside some time each week for y’all to go on a date?
5 Reasons Why You Should Be Dating Your Spouse
I don’t think there is a better way of showing someone you love them than by spending time with them. It’s important to find time for date nights with your spouse outside of the children in order to show them that you care about them individually, their ideas, wants, and needs.
By taking the time to plan something full of laughs and meaningful conversation with your partner, you can work on bettering yourself and your relationship with them, ultimately widening the gap between your bond.
Here are five reasons why you should make time to date your spouse:
1. It shows you care.
By taking time out of life, which we know is crazy busy, it shows that you care. You care enough for each other to set aside time to concentrate on the two of you. To work on the two of you.
If you want to stay committed and in love with your spouse, you should be willing to work for it and show them that they are important. This may seem like a no-brainer, but many couples take each other for granted, especially after having children or juggling careers and outside responsibilities.
“But I do tons of things that show my significant other that I care!” But do you do them together? Do you take time to sit down with each other, without distractions, to talk and to listen? To laugh and to just enjoy each other’s company?
If you want your marriage to grow closer, take the time out of your busy days to put genuine effort into dating them. The effort itself will show your spouse how much you care.
2. It helps you to grow in your relationship.
I don’t care if you’ve been married for 50 days, 50 months, or 50 years- there’s always something you can work on. Because nobody’s perfect. Taking that time out for each other not only shows that you care but in caring, we grow.
What happens when you plant a seed and don’t water it? I know it’s surely not going to flourish. But that seed that you plant and you water it, you care for it, and you make sure it’s nourished- it’s gonna grow and it’s going to prosper. It’s the same with any relationship in life. It’s amazing what a little time together will do.
Aside from the obvious reasons, dating your spouse can help you build a stronger relationship on all levels. You’ll explore new hobbies and interests with each other while learning more about the person you married.
Of course, this is not to say that if you make time for date nights, everything in your life will miraculously be perfect – there’s no such thing as a perfect relationship.
However, allowing time for yourself outside of your loved one can help you to better understand each other and come up with new ways to deal with daily struggles much more easily.
3. It reintroduces that love for each other.
Every person that’s ever been married has gone through a rough patch. Every person has forgotten about the little things another did for them until those things start fading away. Those precious moments with each other that created spark and all the tingles, sometimes it’s kind of dudsy.
When you show each other that you care, you begin to create something new as you grow together. Growing together allows you to reintroduce those sparks, those tingles, and maybe even gain new respect and a new passion for each other.
All of this is love. When my spouse does something special for me, it makes me proud to be his wife.
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As the years pass by, it’s easy to get caught up in life and forget why you fell in love with your spouse in the first place. By planning weekly dinner dates or weekend excursions, you can bring back that spark of romance which inevitably brings back feelings of butterflies, sweaty palms, and all of those wonderful emotions.
Love is the glue that holds us together, but it’s easy to feel burnt out when overwhelmed with everyday tasks. By planning a date night for your significant other, you are not only showing them that they are important, but also rekindling the spark that was present in the beginning of your relationship.
Whether this means going out to dinner and a movie or taking a walk and holding hands in the park, these small gestures help you to realize why you fell in love with your spouse.
4. Making time for each other shows those around you the importance of quality time.
The youth in our community, the youth in our church, my children, my family- I want them to understand the importance of nurturing love and a pure relationship. I think about Christ and how He died for me so that I could be saved, but while I don’t have to pay with monetary means, I have to give up my old life.
I have to give up all that I am, I have to seek Him, I have to depend on Him, I have to respect Him, and be encouraged and strengthened by Him. These things come from the love that I have for Him, because of what He’s done for me.
I love my spouse and/because he loves and cares for me.
Additionally, showing your children that you have time for date nights is a great way to not only spend time with them but also to show them how important it is to nurture important relationships.
Though they probably don’t understand the concept yet at such a young age, making date night a priority in your household can teach them that their parents love each other and that nothing is more important in a relationship than time spent with someone you care about.
When you show your children that you are willing to put in the effort for your spouse, they will learn about how love is more than just words. It’s more than presents, flowers, and chocolates on Valentine’s Day or birthdays. They’ll understand that true love means showing others the importance of putting them first.
Not only will this strengthen your marriage, but it’ll also build a strong relationship between mother and child as well as father and child.
5. Love holds everything together.
The Bible says I could have all things, but if I don’t have love, I have nothing. A good foundation is built upon love, and then all things will follow. When the Mr. and I got married, my grandfather pulled us aside and said: “Remember what brought you together”.
It’s so simple, but so genius. An attraction to each other that developed a love within each other. Neither which we should ever part from, it’s the surest foundation.
Knowing that you have someone who loves you, supports you, and believes in your life’s ambitions helps to give purpose, meaning, and direction.
Life can be tough at times as we struggle through unexpected hardships or fail to achieve those goals we’ve been working toward for years.
Your spouse will be the person you turn to for help, but also the one who understands why it is hard for you to reach out at times.
A strong marriage means always having someone by your side. Your spouse’s love for you will make you feel more sure-footed when facing situations. So when dating your spouse, you rekindle the love that holds everything together.
Are you dating your spouse?
The love you share with your spouse is a special bond that should be nurtured and cherished. It’s important that each day together feels like an investment in happiness for both of you.
One way to help ensure this emotional connection remains strong throughout your marriage is by prioritizing quality time on a regular basis.