Should Christians Celebrate Halloween? - The Fervent Mama: Yet, even so, Christians are wondering if it's okay to partake in the festivities. So, should Christians celebrate Halloween?

My thoughts aside, should Christians celebrate Halloween?

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There’s a serious debate in the Christian world and it all revolves around what is known as one of the “worldliest times of the year“. Yet, even so, Christians are wondering if it’s okay to partake in the festivities. Should Christians celebrate Halloween?

Personally, I’ve never really cared for Halloween. Before I got saved, I loved watching scary movies and going to haunted houses. But as far as getting dressed up and going trick-or-treating, going to a Halloween party, or making a big fuss over the holiday- not my thing.

But when I got saved, things completely changed. It wasn’t because of anything I was told I had to do, it wasn’t because I didn’t know of anyone who celebrated it- because obviously, I even know some Christians who participate.

But it was the uneasy feeling that I got when the season came around. I was no longer entertained by those things, but I was revolted by them. And thankfully, it was a good understanding of the Bible and a true unction of the Holy Ghost that was why.

I don’t mind the Fall Festivals, and celebrating the Fall season with Halloween alternatives, but we don’t celebrate Halloween. And frankly, I feel like no Christian should.

But, I haven’t really given you any hard evidence yet. I know you’re still wondering why shouldn’t Christians celebrate Halloween. Though most of our friends, and even most of our family, participate in Halloween, why shouldn’t you?

Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

Halloween History

Should Christians Celebrate Halloween? - The Fervent Mama: We need to stop thinking about if it will send us to hell and start thinking about whether it pleases God. This is when it becomes important for Christians to stand for righteousness. It shouldn't be "Should Christians Celebrate Halloween" but should be "Why would Christians celebrate Halloween?" #halloweenforchristians #christianhalloween

  • Mostly known as a pagan (Celtic) holiday. It was brought about by some folks who believed that somehow the lines between life and death were mixed and the dead were allowed to visit back to Earth.
  • These people would then dress up to help these ‘ghosts and spirits’ from recognizing them. Also performing sacrifices, using these other-worldly spirits to tell each other’s fortunes and hope for good to come to them.
  • Fast-forward to the ‘Halloween’ coming to America. Folks began talking about the dead, dressing in costumes, telling ghost stories, pranks, witchcraft, superstitions and more. Ouji boards and graveyard dares became popular, adopting a lot of the same ‘beliefs’ the Celtics had.
  • Trick-or-treating was derived from a belief that leaving food and wine out for the roaming spirits would help to ward them off. So communities then began to use this same tactic of giving ‘treats’ to children as a peace offering so they wouldn’t vandalize or prank them.

You can read more about where this information came from in this History Reference.

Biblical Facts

Deuteronomy 18 gives a clear insight into how God thinks concerning some of the efforts of Halloween. In fact, in verses 10-12 of that same chapter, he calls enchanters, witches, sorcerers and those who look to them, an abomination. (Deuteronomy 18:10-12)

No matter what part you take in Halloween, this is what the holiday encompasses. This is what it’s derived from, and this is what it entails. 

By participating in the activities of Halloween, the innocence of ‘dressing up and getting candy’ is tainted by the atmosphere of haunted houses and ghoulish decorations. 

Should Christians Celebrate Halloween? - The Fervent Mama: We need to stop thinking about if it will send us to hell and start thinking about whether it pleases God. This is when it becomes important for Christians to stand for righteousness. It shouldn't be "Should Christians Celebrate Halloween" but should be "Why would Christians celebrate Halloween?" #halloweenforchristians #christianhalloween

Ecclesiastes 9:4-6 and Job 7:9-10 both deal with the idea of the dead. Here, the Bible explicitly states that the dead know nothing. They have nothing here, and their feelings perished with them. So, not only is it foolish, but trying to ‘conjure’ these spirits is an abomination to God.

Lastly, 2 Corinthians 6:17 and Ephesians 5:11 tell Christians how to act. We are to be separated from the world. To be separate means that we should be visibly and spiritually set apart with, and by, the characteristics of Christ.

Though the Bible never directly addresses Halloween, we can see through scripture that He knew the future and had a purpose to write these things in His word.

Thus, we can use the Bible to address the components of Halloween and come to the conclusion that it probably isn’t very wise to participate.

Are your children missing out?

Should Christians Celebrate Halloween? - The Fervent Mama: We need to stop thinking about if it will send us to hell and start thinking about whether it pleases God. This is when it becomes important for Christians to stand for righteousness. It shouldn't be "Should Christians Celebrate Halloween" but should be "Why would Christians celebrate Halloween?" #halloweenforchristians #christianhalloween

This is one of the biggest lies the enemy uses to back Christians into a corner. The enemy wants us to focus on the fear that children are missing out on fun or opportunity in this life. When we should be looking at the bigger picture and fearing that they may miss out on Heaven.

Think about that for a moment. Sometimes we need to be asking ourselves a different question.

We need to stop thinking about if it will send us to hell and start thinking about whether it pleases God.

This is when it becomes important for Christians to stand for righteousness. It shouldn’t be “Should Christians Celebrate Halloween” but should be “Why would Christians celebrate Halloween?

Instead of participating in Halloween…

Even though we are trying to be good examples of Christianity unto our children, they don’t always understand when we tell them that we “can’t” do something that it seems like everyone else is doing. 

It’s important to do whatever we can to explain to our children WHY we don’t participate, dress, act, believe, or contribute to some society’s ways of acting or thinking. 

We need to explain to them using scripture, kind words, easy examples, love, wisdom, and guidance from God. When we truly take time out to help our children understand, it helps to make a lasting impression in their minds. 

Need a little help explaining why you don’t celebrate Halloween? I personally don’t have experience with this book, but it has good reviews! Have you read “Mommy, Why Don’t We Celebrate Halloween?

Remember, your children aren’t missing out on anything important. 

But by not participating, they’re gaining so much. They’re learning about sacrifice, and being obedient unto Christ. They’re learning that “suffering” isn’t forever and what it means to be different.

By sacrificing, they are learning to be strong Christians, to listen and obey the Father, and to make the best of any situation. Which is why we love to create alternative activities to remind our kids that Christians are fun too, and we don’t need to participate in all the world’s activities to do it.

Pete the Prodigal Pumpkin: A Good News Halloween StoryPete the Prodigal Pumpkin: A Good News Halloween StoryChristian Halloween Shirt Jesus Church Cross Bible VerseChristian Halloween Shirt Jesus Church Cross Bible VerseHalloween Tracts Assortment (KJV)Halloween Tracts Assortment (KJV)Mommy, Why Don't We Celebrate Halloween?Mommy, Why Don't We Celebrate Halloween?

We can also provide alternative activities for them to participate in. Instead of celebrating Halloween, we can visit a local Fall Festival or make time for family right in our own homes. 

This shows them that we don’t have to participate in all of the world’s activities to have fun. Christians can still have a good time while obeying God’s word.

Feel free to use this list of Alternative Halloween Activities to get some ideas on how you can nix Halloween for a more God-edifying and wholesome family experience.

Why is it important for the church to do something?

Don’t get me wrong, we shouldn’t “compete” with the world when it comes to entertainment. If we are always trying to give another option to what the world celebrates, then that’s the only way that we will continue to reach them- with the hands of man, and not of God.

There needs to be a clear line drawn when it comes to what the church body participates in. However, there are times where the church is responsible for reaching the community. 

When the church bands together to give alternative options to new converts, children, and young people- it becomes an open door for the community to participate in wholesome entertainment that leads back to Christ. 


It becomes fellowship among believers, a time where Christians truly take a stand and it can be recognized, a place where God is edified, and the church is personified.

It is a safe space for struggling young people to find strength, children to see true examples of Christ, and where young in faith Christians can withdraw themselves from the temptations of secular life. 

The body of Christ works together and feeds off of each other, this is such an important aspect of the church and it should be magnified!

Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

What’s your take on it? 

This shouldn’t be labeled personal conviction. God gave us clear instruction through his word about the ideas/practices that are involved with Halloween culture.

I encourage you to seek God and ask Him to lead you in a way that allows you to see His thoughts about Christians celebrating Halloween.

On a lighter note, don’t forget to celebrate the after-Halloween-is-over-fun. Like when all the good candy is 75% off and I don’t have to do anything special to get it. 

If you’re still questioning, this is another great article- Is it wrong to celebrate Halloween?



  1. I absolutely respect your stance on celebrating or not, but I would ask about your sources for the information on how Halloween came to America. I think as Christians we need to be especially careful to research information for ourselves and not just believe because we are told something. Here is a video from the Travel Channel on the origins of the holiday in America, I thought you might find it interesting.

  2. I have been struggling with this, my kids are 2 and 4, so are starting to take notice of Halloween and wanting to dress up. I really have problems with trick-or-treating, even in my small town where everyone knows everyone else. My church does a Halloween party so that people have a safe place to take their kids but I really wish that it was a harvest fest or something that didn’t celebrate Halloween. I am trying to find a happy medium where my kids can have fun dressing up but be celebrating harvest rather than Halloween.

    1. Brooke Poston says:

      Aw, pray about it! I’m sure you’ll be led in the right direction. Our church does a Harvest Fest before Halloween, but we don’t let the kids dress up or anything- mainly for confusions sake. It can be a hard thing, we’ve definitely been looked at like ‘bigots’ of some sort or that we make too much of things. But, conviction is conviction and the Bible, the Bible. My husband said recently, if God tells you not to wear the pants, don’t wear them. But if God says not to eat the peanut butter, don’t eat it. We’ll say an extra prayer for you!

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