Write the Letter M
Looking for a fun and easy way to teach your little about the alphabet while also working on their handwriting skills? With 12+ pages of fun, the letter “M” will be easy peasy to learn! This Handwriting Pack (Letter M) is a snippet of our homeschool handwriting curriculum, From Scribble to Scribe.
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The letter M Handwriting Pack includes the following bundled pages, examples as shown in the images;
- 1 Capital Letter Handwriting Practice Page
- 1 Lowercase Letter Handwriting Practice Page
- 4+ Word Handwriting Pages (acorn, airplane, ant, apple)
- 1 Capital Letter Sheet
- 1 Lowercase Letter Sheet
- 4+ Photo Pages with “write the word” blanks
This is a great handwriting pack if your little needs help with learning a particular letter, needs a little extra practice, or just for fun!
These letter packets perfect for ages 3+ and could even be used for upper elementary students who need a little more practice. The pages have short-form words, as well as long-form words. And with 12+ pages per letter, you can choose to work on 1 letter for as much or as little time as you choose!
Please note, is a single letter bundle from our Handwriting Curriculum, From Scribble to Scribe. We sell each of these 12+ page letter bundles for $1 each. But if you’re looking for a better deal, or a full curriculum, From Scribble to Scribe is only $15- an $11 discount if you were to buy them individually!
It’s a great idea to laminate the pages so that you can use them over and over again!
This is a virtual, downloadable product for you to print at your own convenience. A physical product is not available for delivery.