How to make a DIY Laundry Detergent that actually works. I haven't bought laundry detergent in over a year.

How to make a DIY laundry detergent that really works.

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I’m a lover of saving money. Honestly, I’ve always been cheapo-depot, it just got worse when I actually HAD to do it. So, I became an extreme couponer and it consumed mah life. I love it and wish I had more time to do it, but I also realized there are other ways to save money. Like making DIY Laundry Detergent.

How to make a DIY Laundry Detergent that actually works. I haven't bought laundry detergent in over a year.

I haven’t bought laundry detergent in almost a year.

I haven’t bought “real” laundry detergent in almost a year. My handy-dandy DIY laundry detergent has been such a lifesaver. And for about $15 worth of ingredients, you can too. But I know you’re all skeptical and stuff, so I’ll start by answering the questions I know you have.

Why should I make my own laundry detergent?

It’s easy, cheap and chemical-free. It literally takes about 10 minutes to make a years batch of laundry detergent. You can’t beat that! $15 bucks worth of ingredients could last you a year. That’s more than one bottle of Tide! Even when I was extreme couponing, I would get smaller bottles of All for $.50-$1. A year’s worth of detergent would still cost me more than $15. Every ingredient listed is all natural. Zero phosphates, zero fillers, and nontoxic. It’s HE Safe, septic safe, and is safe for skin sensitivity.

Will my clothes actually be clean?

Duh. My clothes are just as clean as they would be with store bought detergent and I feel better about washing clothes more often. The natural ingredients don’t have chemicals that would strip the color from my clothes and are more sensitive to the skin, so I don’t have to worry as much about skin-irritants.

How to DIY Laundry Detergent

P.S. This DIY laundry detergent is cloth diaper safe.

How to make a DIY Laundry Detergent that actually works. I haven't bought laundry detergent in over a year.


1 55 oz. box Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda
2, 2 lb. boxes of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda
76 oz. 20 Mule Team Borax
3 bars Ivory Soap
Cheese Grater
25 drops all natural, 100% Essential Oil of choice (I like Young Living’s Purification)

don’t buy oils at your local market

Essential Oil Info: I use Young Living and suggest everyone to do the same. You can read about them here. You can also read about Essential Oil Safety with The Fervent Mama. If you’re interested in learning more about Essential Oils, you can head over to Natural Living with Essential Oils. To sign up with Young Living, head here.

How to make DIY Laundry Detergent

  1. Grate the three bars of soap into a large container. (like a 5 gallon bucket)
  2. Mix in the rest of the ingredients.
  3. Fill a jar, like a mason jar, with however much soap you would like.
  4. Use 1 tablespoon per load, or 2-3 for heavily soiled loads.

I like to put all of my ingredients in a 5-gallon bucket, stir with a large spoon and then roll that baby around to ensure that it is totally mixed. I then fill my mason jar with what I can use for a few months and store my bucket somewhere out of the way. I just refill my jar as needed, which shouldn’t be often.

Although this mixture doesn’t fill a 5-gallon bucket, I think it is easier to mix and store that way. It’s airtight so it can be put practically anywhere. I also think a mason jar works perfectly for the laundry room because it is both easy to grab and store in small spaces, also airtight. But that’s just optional and my opinion. The mixture will work perfectly fine in a large size jar.

Disclaimer: This post is based on my own opinions and what works for me and my family. Please remember that everyone is different and what works for me and my family, may not be the same as what works for you and yours. Any natural/holistic/medical advice should be discussed with your healthcare professional. This Modest Mom takes no responsibility for your personal actions and/or decisions. All opinions are my own and reflect what works best for myself and my family.


  1. After reading (did I read too fast?), I didn’t see what oils you used. I do use essential oils (Doterra), but have a hard time mixing smells. Could you post what oils you use and how many drops?

    1. Brooke Poston says:

      I use Young Living. The amount of oils I use depends on the batch I make. However, on a large batch, I usually do about 25-40 drops.

  2. What exactly are the bars of ivory soap? Is it all natural as well?

  3. I have been wanting to do this for a while. I just tried my green fills because the first month was free. I like it, but you can’t beat the price of $15 for a year!!!! Love it!!

    1. Brooke Poston says:

      Thanks for reading Stefanie! You totally should do it! Come back and let me know what you thought about it too! $15 bucks a year is my favorite part!!!!

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