Young Living Essential Oils for Pregnancy
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Three years of using oils, and they’re still not getting old to me. I’m still on Essential Rewards and I still use my monthly oils, along with many other non-oily products. If you’re on the fence about choosing a company, I wholeheartedly recommend Young Living, and here’s why.
If you’re still questioning whether oils work, I can’t really help you there. I mean, I can tell you that they do. I can say that I know they worked for my family when we were in a desperate time, and we’ve been using them ever since. Coming from a skeptic, I’ll tell you that you just have to try them.
Honestly, there haven’t been many oils (if any) that I’ve avoided during this pregnancy. Of course, I always take precautions when using essential oils and I’m always sure to use trusted reference materials when tackling a problem. I suggest that you do your research and seek out what’s best for you and your family, always consult your doctor if you have a medical question.
These essential oils for pregnancy have been my lifeline on many days. Whether I was suffering from morning sickness, tummy troubles, lack of energy, sleep struggles, pain, whatever, I love using my Young Living Essential Oils to tackle all my pregnancy woes!
DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor, I am simply a mom trying to do what’s best for my family. Any information or advice given is to help educate and inform, not to diagnose, help, treat, or prevent any disease. Statements made have not been evaluated by the FDA. You should always check with a healthcare professional before starting something new.
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Essential Oils for Pregnancy
Single Oils
Peppermint: This is one of those oils that I always have on hand because it always seems useful. Achy muscles? Peppermint massage. Tummy troubles? Peppermint rub on the belly of gentle whiffs. Need a pick me up? Add a few drops to tea, water, or coffee. It always seems to make its way into my day and I’m not upset about it.
Lavender: Besides the fact that this thing smells like Heaven, Lavender oil is another one of my favorite essential oils for pregnancy. I use it in my skincare routine to promote healthy, glowing skin. A few drops in an Epsom salt bath after a long day to help relax. Diffuse it when I’m feeling frazzled.
Tea Tree (Melaleuca Alterfornica): Cleansing and skin care. I love getting out of a hot bath and slathering myself with a blend of Tea Tree and Lavender essential oils. Adding it to my lotion helps to promote healthy skin, clean, hydrated skin. I also love it adding it to my homemade all natural cleaning products during the nesting stage to help combat offensive odors and staleness.
Cedarwood: Adding a few drops of Cedarwood essential oil to your shampoo or conditioner can help ensure that you have fuller, shinier hair. While the earthy tones help to ground the mind, you’ll be feeling great during that post-partum hair care struggle.
Tranquil: If I could imagine a smell of Heaven, it would be this. I seriously can’t get enough of this easy roll-on. Anytime I need a moment of “tranquility”, this is the first oil I reach for. I can be quite the emotional mess when I’m pregnant, this one always helps me calm down.
DiGize: Did I mention tummy troubles yet? I mean, seriously. One minute I can’t stop going, the next minute I can’t go, then I’m sick because of all the air that gets trapped in there. Can we claim pregnancy as an illness? Because this is craziness.
En-R-GEE: I feel like I’ve completely lost it when it comes to my get-up-and-go. It got lost in pregnancy day 3 or something. But when I need an extra pick me up, or a little umph in my day- this oil always has my back.
Thieves toothpaste & mouthwash: I have these on my ER order every month. I have terribly sensitive teeth and when I’m pregnant, I have even more trouble. These, along with an extra drop of Thieves for protection and Orange for whitening, help me to fight those issues!
Life 9: This little baby got added to my order this month too! I have a lot of female issues that spiral from my vitiligo and thyroid, this is a powerful tool that I’m hoping will help combat those woes. A blend of 17 billion live cultures to help boost this tired system, yes, please!
These are only a few of the oils that are getting me through this pregnancy and also helping to combat those germs and keep us healthy before this baby arrives. By using the Young Living Essential Rewards program, my arsenal remains stocked with pure and all-natural ingredients to help us through life.
Learn more about why you should choose Young Living and find out how to get your own! Become a no strings attached Young Living Member today!
Young Living offers the Premium Starter Kit (pictured left) with everything you’ll need to start your journey with essential oils at an amazing discounted price. With this purchase, you have the opportunity to join our team and get future wholesale prices of oils with no promise of monthly purchases. If you have any questions about Young Living or this promotion, feel free to check out our links here, or contact me at [email protected].