Essential Oil Safety for Essential Oil Beginners
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There’s a great deal of chatter about the weight of essential oils, but chatter is all it seems to be. There aren’t many, if any, facts backing most unfortunate claims being made. But, I can assure you that if used properly, essential oils are very safe.
Even more so, Young Living essential oils are a considerably amount safer than the chemically ridden products you’re probably already using. But just because essential oils are safe, doesn’t mean that they don’t need to be handled with care. Here are some quick tips on essential oil safety.
You only need 1-2 drops of oil
1-2 drops are sufficient enough, especially if you’re using a diluted oil. Most oils can be applied up to 3-4 times daily, or more. Specific directions on how to use individuals oil are located on each bottle label. For more information, you should consult a reference guide like the Quick Reference Guide.
Consulting your doctor
There are a lot of resources that back the use of essential oils for health. However, if you have concerns, you should consult your doctor first. Before you try anything new, you should do it in moderation- oils are no different. Take precautions when your health is involved.
Using a carrier with oils
Some oils, when applied to the skin, can cause a hot or burning sensation. Do a patch test if you are worried about how oils will affect your skin. You can use carrier oils such as vegetable oils; coconut, sunflower, grapeseed, V-6 (sold by Young Living), etc.
Gentle Babies: Essential Oils and Natural Remedies for FamiliesQuick Reference Guide for Using Essential OilsEssential Oils Desk Reference 6th EditionMajestic Pure Fractionated Coconut Oil, Carrier Oil
Essential oils and children
Children’s skin is most sensitive and should be taken the greatest care of. Remember that 1-2 drops diluted with a carrier are enough. Gentle Babies is one of my favorite reference guides when discussing children and essential oils.
“Carrier oils ensure that EO’s applied topically are comfortable. Dilution with a carrier oil does not dilute the effect of the EO, and prevents waste due to an excessive application.” -Young Living Website
Some oils are photosensitive
This means that oils will intensify when exposed to sunlight. Citrus oils are an example, the molecules will react with the sunlight causing irritation. You should wait 12 hours, after application, before going in the sun, or do a patch test to see how oils will react on your skin.
Essential oils should never be put into the eyes or ears
Essential oils can help eye and ear related issues, but should only be used around these areas. If an oil does get in your eyes, NEVER flush with water. Rub a carrier oil into the eye to stop the burning. You can apply around the eyes and ears with a carrier. Or you can apply to a cotton ball and insert in the ear.
If irritation or discomfort occurs after applying oils
Water helps to drive the oils into the skin. You should always stop using the oil and apply a carrier to the affected area, comfort should come within minutes. If the discomfort is not alleviated, you should always consult your doctor or seek medical attention. Drinking lots of water can help flush the body.
Other irritant information
Chemicals present in soaps, detergents, skin care products and other products that come in contact with the skin can trigger these adverse reactions when using oils. If you wish to try oils again, you should do a patch test to see how the oil will affect your skin.
If you’re worried about essential oils, you shouldn’t be. When used properly, they have amazing benefits! What’s stopping you from getting your oils? Learn more about why you should choose Young Living and find out how to get your own! Become a no strings attached Young Living Member today!
(I am not a doctor, I am simply a mom trying to do what’s best for my family. Any information or advice given is to help educate and inform, not to diagnose, help, treat, or prevent any disease. Statements made have not been evaluated by the FDA. You should always check with a healthcare professional before starting something new. This post includes affiliate links, read our Disclosure Policy for more information.)
I love your page and appreciate how much information is here for me to learn! I am new to Young Living, and I want to learn everything about oils! Thank you!