Advent Activities that Incorporate Learning with Christmas

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I know it’s like halfway thru December and Christmas is right around the corner- but we’ve been super busy around this way. I mean, starting a new business, homeschooling with a babe, and then just holidays- I can’t seem to keep up.

Advent Activities that Incorporate Learning with Christmas: The Fervent Mama - How do you incorporate Christmas into your homeschool curriculum? These fun Advent activities can help us to learn more about the TRUE meaning for the season! We're sharing our own homeschool Christmas learning fun and some from our favorite bloggers too!

So, I’m hoping that there are a few of you out there that are like me, and getting a late start on all of your Christmas and Advent activities. Hopefully, you’ll get some fun use out of our madness too. We’re sharing our own homeschool Christmas learning fun and some from our favorite bloggers too!

Advent Activities that Incorporate Learning with Christmas

The Fervent Mama’s Christmas Advent Activity Pack

Advent Activities that Incorporate Learning with Christmas: The Fervent Mama - How do you incorporate Christmas into your homeschool curriculum? These fun Advent activities can help us to learn more about the TRUE meaning for the season! We're sharing our own homeschool Christmas learning fun and some from our favorite bloggers too!

I can’t tell you about all this Christmas fun without throwing in our very own packet first! We’re in that stage of life with a K4 and 1st grader and they both love this! We’re saying that the packet itself is best for school-aged kiddos between 3-6ish, but you can make the choice if it’ll be good or your child.

Our Advent Activity Pack includes a fun Advent Calendar, 2 I SEE Christmas books, and an Angel Alphabet Puzzle; so if you’re trying to tie Christmas into your homeschool learning, then you can absolutely use these fun Advent activities to do it!

LEGO City Advent Calendar 60201, New 2018 Edition, Minifigures, SmallLEGO City Advent Calendar 60201, New 2018 Edition, Minifigures, SmallLEGO City Advent Calendar 60201, New 2018 Edition, Minifigures, SmallPLAYMOBIL Advent Calendar - Santa's WorkshopPLAYMOBIL Advent Calendar – Santa’s WorkshopPLAYMOBIL Advent Calendar - Santa's WorkshopThe Wonder of the Greatest Gift: An Interactive Family CelebrationThe Wonder of the Greatest Gift: An Interactive Family CelebrationThe Wonder of the Greatest Gift: An Interactive Family CelebrationHatchimals Colleggtibles - Advent Calendar with Exclusive Characters & PaperHatchimals Colleggtibles – Advent Calendar with Exclusive Characters & PaperHatchimals Colleggtibles - Advent Calendar with Exclusive Characters & Paper


Proverbial Homemaker’s Jesse Tree

Tauna is seriously so smart and talented. She’s crafted up an amazing post about the Jesse Tree, which includes a Lego Challenge, ornaments, explanation, and even a late start helper! Don’t forget about her Brick Challenge that’s all about the Christmas Story! Such fun for the whole family!

Advent Activities that Incorporate Learning with Christmas: The Fervent Mama - How do you incorporate Christmas into your homeschool curriculum? These fun Advent activities can help us to learn more about the TRUE meaning for the season! We're sharing our own homeschool Christmas learning fun and some from our favorite bloggers too!

Our Happy Medium’s Advent Learning Pack

I think my favorite part of homeschooling is being able to incorporate the events of our lives into our curriculum. Being able to learn on our terms is amazing. That’s another reason that I love this Advent Learning Pack! Practice your spelling, matching, handwriting and more with a Christmas theme!

Everyday Graces’ A Gentle Advent

This Charlotte Mason inspired packet is perfect for those who are truly wanting to experience a slower, Christ-centered Christmas. It’s a beautiful way to explore the true meaning of the season as a family and hold to those traditions as a whole unit.

Teaching without Chairs’ An Experiment to Remember

“The idea behind An Experiment to Remember is that we let go of our regular school work for a few short weeks, and replace it with a fun, hands-on, low-prep curriculum that focuses on the Savior’s life and includes easy-to-do science experiments, meaningful discussions, and writing.”- Uh, yes, please, Carla!

Advent Activities that Incorporate Learning with Christmas: The Fervent Mama - How do you incorporate Christmas into your homeschool curriculum? These fun Advent activities can help us to learn more about the TRUE meaning for the season! We're sharing our own homeschool Christmas learning fun and some from our favorite bloggers too!

How do you incorporate the Christmas season into your homeschool curriculum? We love adding new, fun Advent activities that can help us to learn more about the TRUE meaning for the season!

Our Advent Activity Pack is only free for a limited time, get it FREE until 12AM on 12/17/18. Price is subject to change at any time.