50 Biblical Affirmations for Everyday Life
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If you’ve visited our site at all within the past couple months, which hopefully you have, you’ve seen a little popup begging that you enter your email to get a fun freebie. I know sometimes it can be annoying, you’re probably thinking that I’m just another blogger out to get into your life; well, you’re right and you’re wrong.
I started this blog for many reasons, but the foremost being to share with you the Gospel, the second being to create a community of strong women surrounding it. This list of Biblical Affirmations achieves both of those; you’re receiving the word of God and in turn, we are able to reach you on a more personal level.
Recently, there’s been an increase of people seeking out emotional support and encouragement in the form of short phrases called affirmations. Simple expressions that and statements that are used to combat negative thoughts and confirm positive ones. Encouraging the speaker to be confident in themselves.
I sat in a hospital room, watching over my sick grandfather, and reading over scriptures when I began to think about all of the scriptures that Christians use to encourage themselves. Do you realize how many scriptures can be turned and used as phrases of declaration of all the wonders of Christ?
Time and time again I’ve shared with you the benefits of speaking Christ’s word over your life. The peace and assurance that the living word of God brings into our lives are like nothing you could ever imagine. By taking those same scriptures that we so often read, and use them as Biblical Affirmations to confirm the good-will of Christ in our lives is so powerful!
I urge you to start with this simple list of Biblical Affirmations and then use it as a foundation to build your own phrases of positivity with the Bible as a backing. If you haven’t seen our little popup, you can always head over to our Shop to browse our freebies.